Kamis, 21 Juli 2011


Once upon a time, there lived in Japan
a couples of farmers.  They had no children. They kept praying to god to give them children.
One day, while cutting wood, the man saw a large peach on the water. They were want to cut the peach when they heard a voice from inside. when they would cut the peaches, they heard a voice from inside.
The couples were surprised when the peach cracked open there was a baby inside. The couples were very happy. They named the baby Momotaro, which meant ‘peach boy’.
One day, Momotaro told to his parents that he was going to fight the pirates who always attacked their village. Their lived on an island a few kilometers away. Then his father gave him a sword.
Sailing on his boat, Momotaro met an eagle. They became good friends, then both of them arrived on the island of the pirates.
Momotaro issued a sacred sword from his father and began to fight the pirates. Eagle flying over the heads of the pirates and peck their eyes. Finally, the pirates were defeated.
Momotaro brought  home all the stuff that was stolen by pirates. His parents were proud of him, and they were excited to win and get home safely.

2 komentar:

  1. >> patience is definitely not going to produce something that is futile.
    >> we should be filial to parents and always defending the truth.

  2. -Good story
    -Always mention the source
    -Add more pictures

